Sunday, 7 February 2016

Treasure Island

Whenever i am stuck somewhere i think what will Baani do if she is in my place! Many days i ask her to make choices for me, check me when i am not following my own rules. More than all this she inspires me when it comes to doing original art work. Her way of looking at things, her vision and thinking is totally untouched by standard standards. I feel she is my anchor. This is collection of her artwork from my camera view. While i clicked she was narrating story, which was mix of her present thoughts and her ideas when she made this canvas. All the pics are part of one story. Different stories going on in one moment in different planes of time. Transcendence.

Here it goes..

Treasure chest.. It has all the secrets.. very precious.. 
(And she got so many of them with all her treasures of
loom bands and coins and stones and shells) 
Nest.. with an egg..
(Must be a big bird, i thought. Guess which one came in my mind.. Jatayu!)

Rainbow with droplets of water..Blobs (Play of light and shadow.. )
Boat in big waves (and rest are rocks in ocean..they must be on ocean floor..
or she imagine them floating! i wonder!)
Castle.. in middle of huge black mountains..
(Must be of one of her Arabian princess)
Butterfly in all her splendour
Spider heart within the heart.. (or the webbed heart)